Arsenal’s 3-Point Plan

For what started off as such a promising season has now lost its wing and is spiraling down towards what we can all associate with, a typical Arsenal season. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Where do I even begin? Too many holes in this club that my two hands are severely inept at preventing this sinking ship; all hands on deck! What you’ll find listed below are three imperative ideas (which I find) that must me implemented.

The German way is the right way

In 2001 the Bundesliga diverged from the original DFB (Deutscher Fußball-Bund) league structure and since then it has never looked back. German football has grown exponentially and one factor can be pegged down to the emergence of the country’s talent pool. Prior to its divergence we would only associate old age and experience players with the league 

Roman’s Toy Story

This is the story at stems back to a boy who had it all. A man with a sense of boredom coalesced with deeper pockets than the earth’s core. Together these atoms blended together so powerfully, that the reaction deserves a place on the periodic table. If you haven’t already guessed whom I’m referring to, it’s Roman ArkadyevichAbramovic.

Protect Our Youths Before Its Too Late

The FA’s ‘Respect’ campaign predicates around preserving the foundations of our beautiful game. One way the ‘Respect’ campaign aims to pursue this emanates from improving parent-to-child relationship. Especially preserving young kids, who will be the next generation of English football.

Papering Over The Cracks Part I

Those that do follow Spanish action could be scratching their heads as to how Barcelona are at the summit of La Liga, unbeaten. Over the weekend Barcelona travel to Mallorca in which should have been penned down as a routine win. They got half of it right.