Luis Suarez Defies Explanation (video)

It’s been a pretty quiet week in the world of Luis Suarez, until now. The controversial Liverpool forward failed to find the back of the net against Manchester United, he shook Patrice Evra’s hand and he even stayed on his feet.

Now, however, he will be all over the back pages after admitting he dived against Stoke City earlier in the season. Suarez is hardly the most popular footballer in the Premier League and he will have bought himself no friends after his interview with Fox Sports Argentina.

The Uruguayan said “I don’t listen all the nonsense some people say about me. I’m accused of cheating here. People say I throw myself all the time inside the box.

“They said that when we played against Stoke, for instance, and in that case they were right. I invented a foul because we were drawing and I wanted to win.

“Sometimes on the pitch I say to myself, “What have I done?” But the name of Suarez sells papers.”

The name Suarez will certainly be selling papers this week!

Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers wasn’t pleased with his top scorer’s comments in the interview, Rodgers said “I think it is wrong. It is unacceptable. I have spoken to Luis and it will be dealt with internally”.

“It is not something we advocate. Our ethics are correct.”

Suarez has left his manager looking pretty daft after the Liverpool boss has continually defended the club’s top goal scorer this season following some controversial moments on the pitch.


Sam Jewell

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