6 Players Liverpool Almost Signed

By Matt Ladson of thisisanfield.com

Liverpool FC have made some tremendous signings in their illustrious history – bargains such as Kevin Keegan – who signed from Scunthorpe for just £35k and went on to win the Ballon d’Or, or Sami Hyypia who cost £2.6m from Willem and went on to win every trophy except the Premier League during a 300 + appearance career at Anfield.

There have, of course, also been some major flops – of which there are plenty in the past decade alone; El Hadji Diouf, Bruno Cheyrou and Salif Diao arrived in one disastrous summer alone!

And then, there are those who looked like they were on the verge of signing and could have had a successful career with the ‘Liverbird’ upon their chest, but, for different reasons, it didn’t happen.

With the January transfer window in full flow and players being linked with clubs, we take a look at some deals that almost happened… but alas they didn’t.

In no particular order…

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