Nacho Nacho man (Video)

It looks like Arsene Wenger is a keen reader of Football Friends eh?

In my blog yesterday I implored Wenger to sign Leighton Baines. So, maybe not that keen a reader but he still went and signed a left-back; Malaga’s Nacho Monreal.

Yes, that’s right, an Arsenal signing and it was left-back, a position from which games can be changed and impacted in numerous different ways. 

It makes sense, of course, because Kieran Kibb’s injury which has ruled him out for up to six weeks now and the faltering Andre Santos the only replacement.

Hopefully, too, it will lead to a number of brilliant headlines from the red tops as they put his name to good use.

In the mean time, here is a video of a rather good performance he put in recently against Mallorca in La Liga.


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