Arsenal: entertaining madness

After watching Arsenal’s breathless 2-2 draw with Liverpool on Wednesday night, and having watched of their games this season, it confirmed to me that they are without a doubt the most entertaining team to watch in the Premier League.

Of course, if you are a fan, this doesn’t ring true and they have often been the neutral’s favourite because of the style of football they play but this season they have thrown in some slapstick defending which means every game they are involved in is something of a mad cap affair.

The game on Wednesday night, for example, was one that Arsenal could have lost, did well to draw but really should have won. And that seems to be the formula for Arsene Wenger’s side this season and it makes for absolutely brilliant entertainment.

Whenever I have had a bet on the football this season, I have steered well clear of any Arsenal game, even if they are odds on at home. The Gunners are just far too unpredictable and their consistent unpredictably is a gambler’s nightmare but also for their fans to cope with as the team continue to fight for a Champions League spot in the league.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if Arsenal were able to go on decent cup runs both in Europe and domestically. Look at Chelsea last season. Then again, it would be no great shock if they did not win anything and failed to make the top four.

The pandemonium on the pitch also extends itself to the touchline as Arsene Wenger’s decision making has come under close scrutiny in recent years as they are audible accusations that the Frenchman has lost his touch.

Indeed, many Arsenal fans will tell you that they are infuriated by the club’s claims that there is money to spend but no real sign of any of it getting spent.

Regardless, Arsenal continue to baffle their fans and entertain the neutrals but tough tests will come in the second half of the season and Wenger will want to make sure his team suffer no more from moments of madness at crucial moments.


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