Was that it? The anti-climax that is the January transfer window


Deadline day the day that every football fan looks forward to at the end of both the summer and winter windows. Ruining productivity all over the country as people sit in front of Twitter or Sky Sports all day in the hope they see their team can pull off a coup on the last day of the window. The final day of the windows have become one of the biggest events in the footballing calendar over the last few seasons.             

The January transfer window always gives optimism to fans of clubs that their side may be making a key signing at the midway stage of season that could really make a difference to their standing at the end of the season.

In total in the last five winter windows between 2008 and 2012 £702 million has been spent by Premier league clubs with the £200 million in 2009 and £225 million in 2011 particular highlights.

This shows that teams aren’t afraid to splash out money as long as they think the player is right, this year however although there were no huge money transfers Premier league sides still spent double last year’s total.

2013 may have been a disappointing year for many optimistic fans as the usual early window excitement of rumours came to nothing on the last day of the window with only QPR really spending big money on Chris Samba. Arsenal’s signing of Nacho Monreal from Malaga was the only transfer that nobody saw coming most other deals were done early on in the window.

Although there were rumours flying about Everton, Spurs and Norwich being in pursuit of strikers in the form of Alvaro Negredo, Leandro and Gary Hooper respectively, none of these came to fruition though and the window closed with more of a whimper than a slam. The usual big spenders such as Man City and Chelsea were nowhere to be seen with neither team making any significant signings.

The biggest move on deadline day was one that cost nothing, David Beckham arrived at PSG then told the press he was donating his entire wage to a children’s charity a class gesture may I add, but whether Beckham will play many games at PSG remains to be seen but the move has surely done what it was meant to and that’s gain maximum publicity for both PSG and brand Beckham.

One of the most fascinating stories of the last day of transfers was Peter Odemwingie who burnt all bridges with West Brom by turning up at QPR and giving interviews as if he was a QPR player without even having a fee agreed between the clubs. The move didn’t go through and now Odemwingie must return to West Brom to face his boss’s and his team mates that he previously said goodbye to yesterday.

Overall I think deadline day will be seen as a bit of an anti-climax for the neutral this year as there were no real surprises out of left field as most business was completed rather sensibly earlier in the window.

We’ve come to expect crazy moves on deadline day ever since 2011 but maybe these expectations are just unfeasible as clubs just aren’t prepared to spend huge money on players who may be more of a letdown than a season changer, see Andy Carroll and Fernando Torres for example.

The truth is it’s difficult for a signing to come in to the team in January and make an immediate impact they need time to settle into the club there are exceptions to this of course such as Papiss Cisse last year at Newcastle but I think that the summer window is the right place for all the big money moves. The main thing this January window has taught me is that fans shouldn’t be expecting massive moves on deadline day because it only sets up for disappointment.

Josh Weale