Is Germany an untapped market?

There has been a lot of discussion recently of how the French league and Spanish leagues have been providing good value for money with players such as Michu and Sissoko for the Premier League.

In spite of this doesn’t the Premier League need to remember surely quality is better than quality. The Bundesliga is brimming with talent at the moment and there is plenty of German talent waiting to light up the Premier League.

Whilst the top talents in England, such as Wilfried Zaha and Jordan Henderson, came at a premium and could provide very little success, the German leagues equivalents can deliver.

The likes of the native Mario Gotze or the Polish Robert Lewandowski have shown in Europe and in the League that they can light up any stage whether it be the Champions League or abroad.

The contract situations that cause headaches for clubs happen in the Bundesliga too, you just need to look at Lewis Holtby’s bargain £1.5 million transfer to Tottenham for evidence of bargains to be had.

The likes of Klopp and Guardiola are going to ensure the development of youth and there will be plenty of young talent in the League so the Premier League would be stupid to turn their noses away from it.

Bayern Munich this evening will be sure to show just what the Premier League could tuck into if they splash the cash.