Managerial Merry-go-round

Whether we like it or not, the chopping and changing of managers is now part of the furniture of the modern game. From Mourinho to Manchini, Ferguson to Wenger, managers provide excitement, entertainment and everyone’s favourite; controversy.

The likes of Ferguson and Wenger, who have been around for generations, have managed and developed some of the best football teams ever. Look at the treble winning Man United side of 1999 and Wenger’s ‘Invincibles’ of 2003-2004, the success of these teams is unrivalled and simply incredible.

For a team like this to be successful they must have a truly inspirational manager at the forefront of everything they do, and with that someone who can provide stability and leadership. Ferguson and Wenger have provided this for decades. But have the new breed of power hungry club owners spelt the end of the truly long term manager?

With owners and chairmen such as Roman Abramovich of Chelsea and Sheik Mansur of Man City, investing millions and millions of pounds into their clubs, success is paramount. It appears that to these ludicrously wealthy owners, success must come at all costs. If a manager isn’t succeeding then he is replaced, with ruthless efficiency.

The recent dismissal of Nigel Adkins is a stark reminder of the ruthless and business like nature of the modern game. Adkins led Southampton to back to back promotions from League one to the premier league but was sacked halfway through his first season in the premier league. This came only three days after a 2-2 draw at the home of European Champions, Chelsea.

Adkins isn’t the only manager who can feel aggrieved at the hostility towards the modern manager, there are many others who will feel hard done by and back stabbed by the clubs they once served. Roberto Di Matteo was sacked four months after he won the Champions league and FA cup with Chelsea.

Pre match build ups often focus on managerial ‘mind games’, with press and fans alike all intrigued by these so called mind games. But are these managers taking something away from the games themselves or are they stoking an already blazing fire?

With so much money and success at stake in modern day football this cut throat managerial merry-go-round is only set to continue. We can only hope that this constant chop and change and cut throat mentality that is spreading into the game we love, doesn’t detriment the players and the football that we love.

So when it comes to football managers, it appears that nobody is safe. 

Jacob Landers