The big mouth of Peter Odemwingie

I’ll be honest, it took me a while to come round to the idea of Twitter.

I saw it as just Facebook statuses but just with a word limit. I have since realised that this particular form of social networking certainly has its uses.

Everybody tweets and it provides a platform where everybody can interact – from celebrities and footballers to your regular Joe Bloggs.

Sometimes, though, when footballers tweet you get the feeling that they should simply stick to what their good at – playing football and earning stupid money – and keep their thoughts to themselves.

This is especially true of unsettled (that’s putting it lightly) West Bromwich Albion striker Peter Odemwingie who again took to Twitter this weekend to publicly criticise the club for ‘trying to run his career’ after coming on as a substitute in West Brom’s 0-0 draw with Stoke on Saturday.

It was of course Odemwingie who embarrassingly turned up at Loftus Road on deadline day in January only to be told that QPR wouldn’t be signing him and at the time he used Twitter to openly slam West Brom, the club that coincidentally pays his very high wages.

What is wrong with Odemwingie? He must be one of most thoughtless and idiotic football players to have ever opened a Twitter account. It is blindingly obvious that he won’t be at West Brom for much longer so why not keep quiet, see out the rest of the season and part ways with a club that has been pretty good to you throughout your time there?

He owes it to the fans that have supported and sung his name during his time at the club to put in 100% effort for the team instead of bad mouthing West Brom every five minutes on Twitter.

If anything these Twitter attacks harm his chances of getting that move he so badly wants as other clubs will see his tweets and think exactly what the rest of us do when he opens his mouth on Twitter: what a prat.