The progression of Aaron Ramsey

Aaron Ramsey’s game for Wales against Scotland ended in slightly bizarre circumstances last night.

With Wales holding onto a slim 2-1 lead at Hampden Park Ramsey was trying to hold onto the ball and see out the game to secure a crucial victory for a Bale-less Wales. Ramsey held on too long, though, conceded possession but he committed the most professional of professional fouls by hauling down the Scotland player to ensure they did not have clear cut goal scoring chance.

Ramsey was sent off as he was already on a yellow card but his quick thinking secured all three points Wales and was evidence of the young man’s footballing IQ. He also scored a penalty under immense pressure that displayed Ramsey’s developing maturity for both club and country.

Arsena lfans love to blame Ramsey when things start to go wrong and the Welshman can be careless in possession but there is no denying that he works extremely hard all over the pitch for his team. Remember, too, that Ramsey’s leg was snapped in two by Ryan Shawcross so he has had to overcome significant psychological and physical setbacks.

Arsenal legend Liam Brady has stated that Ramsey sometimes over thinks things when he is on the ball when, of course, he should just let it flow and keep it simple. In recent performances for Arsenal, though, he has shown that he is capable of  this and his showings have improved culminating in outstanding efforts against Bayern Munich, Swansea and now Scotland.

It’s easy to forget that Ramsey is only 22 and still has so much time to improve and develop into the world class midfielder Arsene Wenger clearly thinks he can be.

Ramsey is a brilliant talent and as he continues to learn about the game and ‘keep things simple’ the better he will become. He is part of Arsenal’s British core and his progression will be most intriguing. Watch this space.