Clint ’50 Cent’ Dempsey (Video)

Tottenham’s American forward Clint Dempsey must be relaxed in the knowledge that if the whole football thing doesn’t work out he has a promising career as a rapper to fall back on.

Yes, that’s right, whilst he’s not running around White Hart Lane Dempsey is spitting some rhymes over some phat (yes, ph) beats whilst driving about in his Bentley wearing lots of expensive jewelry.

What I would like to see, though, is Dempsey and the rest of Tottenham’s team perform a rap. It could be brilliant. Everybody would have their own verse whilst Dempsey and Spurs’s other resident American, Brad Friedel, could do the chorus.

If ever a video was made the crescendo would be Villas Boas sitting in a strip club with the team surrounding him (in their kit of course) as he spits a verse which disprects Spurs north London rivals Arsenal. Villas Boas would then proceed to burn an Arsenal shirt whilst puffing on the biggest cigar you have ever seen.

I’m sure you’ll agree that this idea has real potential and Dempsey just needs the penny to drop and realise it.

In the meantime take a look at ol’ Clinton’s video for his song ‘Don’t Tread’ which is one of those weird Americanisms. Don’t tread on what exactly? Your carpet? Your cat? We need clarification.