Could you fry an egg on Sepp Blatter’s head?

I would certainly like to try because all the pain and misery he is causing with these international breaks is just excruciating.

As a football writer it makes life very difficult and so if I were to meet Mr Blatter here is what I would suggest to the man.

Take the top 50 teams in the FIFA rankings and have them play out a three day tournament a month before the 2014 World Cup is due to begin to narrow it down to the 23 teams who will join Brazil. This way it will save us from having to endure this tedious lack of football.

As for the other teams in the FIFA rankings that don’t make it into the top 50, Blatter and his FIFA cohorts should organise a completely separate tournament for them. That would mean a stop to total mismatches like San Marino vs England and the Faroe Islands vs Germany which only serve as training exercises for the more talented teams. Those kind of games aren’t competitive fixtures and if a separate tournament was introduced there would be more of a level playing field.

This may be a tad radical but if Blatter was feeling a little crazy one day then he should not hesitate in suggesting this new format. No more two week international breaks would make everybody a lot happier.

But it won’t happen because Blatter and FIFA enjoy that revenue they get from all the unesscerrary games that have to be played throughout the season. Anything simpler or more cost effective would be ridiculous.

Oh well. Not long now until it is over and we can return to normality.




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