Shocking miss of the week (Video)

This week’s terrible miss comes from Georgia’s top tier of football the Umaglesi Liga and the perpetrator is a chap called Boti Goa.

Like his Ivory Coast compatriot, Gervinho, Goa has a knack for mucking up ridiculously easy chances to score goals.

Goa has been something of a jouneyman throughout his young career and on his way to FC Zestafoni of the Georgian League he has stopped off in Portugal with Benfica, Mika F.C in Armenia (where he enjoyed his most prolific seasons), and Norway when he signed with Rosenberg.

The 24 year old will want to forget this moment in a hurry, though, because he has missed something more than a sitter, he has in fact gone beyond the level of sitter and reached an upper echelon of terrible finishing where he joins Gervinho and Emile Heskey.

I mean how can you miss from the goal line? And not only that but hit the post from there too? The icing on this hideous cake has got to be when it hits poor old Boti after ricocheting off the post and then rolls agonisingly out of play.

The shock is palpable from the players to the crowd, nobody has witnessed a miss like that in their lifetimes and they may not see one that bad again.