Lucky to be alive, says Petrov

Aston Villa captain Stiliyan Petrov has admitted that he’s lucky to be alive, as he continues his battle with Leukaemia.

In March 2012, Petrov was told the devastating news of his condition and after his first year of treatment he spoke to BBC:

I’ve had my hard moments but I’ve had good moments as well. I’m lucky because some people with this disease will die very quickly.

I’m glad that this hard year is behind me now and I can concentrate on getting back to my life.”

 The 33-year-old has been sorely missed by a struggling Aston Villa side this season with Petrov’s leadership and experience an obvious bonus in any side.

Petrov reflected on when he was first told of his condition:

“At the start I thought it was just a cold, nothing serious.

“When I was told the diagnosis, I was a little shocked but accepted it and just wanted to start the treatment straight away.

“I have finished all of the high intensity treatment and from now on I’ll be on the softer treatment, which is two years on tablets.

“It was a very, very long year but now, after all this treatment, I can go back to a normal life.

“The support from all the fans, the club, the players, has been amazing.”