A brilliant red card (Video)

It is a rare occasion that a red card is not a contentious moment in a football game.

This, though, is not a only a red card but it is also one of the most ridiculous red cards you will see. It comes straight from the Mario Balotelli school of Silly Red Cards.

Ricardo Fuller, who to my knowledge is still the only Jamaican to have played in the Premier League, is the perpetrator in a game for Stoke City against West Ham.

Having been reduced to ten men, Stoke City had managed to take the lead but sloppy defending resulted in Carlton Cole scoring an equaliser.

Unhappy with this sloppy defending, Fuller decides to slap his captain, Andy Griffin, for slipping and allowing Cole an easy chance to equalise. Of course, this is always the right thing to do when your team concedes a goal and Fuller is subsequently sent off for his rash actions.

So, hilariously, Fuller made things worse for his team for his vicious outburst and, inevitably, Stoke went on to let in another and lose the game.

I would have paid good money to be a fly on the wall in the dressing room after the game. Harsh words were exchanged, I’m sure.