Fickle football fans

Football fans are a fickle ol’ lot.

When things are going well it is all smiles and willing banter but if events do not transpire in the way that they are supposed to…..well, nobody likes losing do they?

As an Arsenal fan the last eight years or so has been a constant wave of abuse from supporters of Chelsea, Man United, Spurs and even Man City fans now. I understand that it is part and parcel of being a football supporter.

Make no mistake about it, during the successful years, I was dishing out the abuse like there was no tomorrow. United fans, Chelsea fans and especially Spurs fans.

I also support healthy debate between fans of the same team but after Arsenal’s victory over Fulham yesterday there was a huge outpouring of abuse directed towards the Arsenal team. Following a win.

It was not the most stylish of wins, Wenger’s men made hard work of it even with Fulham reduced to ten men for most of the match, but three points are all that matter at this moment in time when the Gunners are in a real scrap to finish in the top four.

Yes, emotions may be running high after a game in which Arsenal fans were touching cloth towards the end but it was a win and, quite frankly, it matters not if it was a scrappy 1-0 win, points on the board is what was needed and the team got it.


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