Football’s bad boys, or just no class? (Video)

We have all heard about what Suarez did to Ivanovic on Sunday. He is undoubtedly the most hated man in the football world. Names like filthy, scum, low class, disgrace and basically every negative adjective in any language would be used as a fitting description for him. It’s not the first time he bites someone and it’s probably not the last time either. No one can actually tell you what a player thinks in that case and neither can he. It’s a simple yet stupid reaction to have at such a random moment of the game.

However we have had much, much worse cases in the football world that will sort of put you at ease with the Suarez bite. I am not in any way condoning such low class behavior, just saying sometimes players get frustrated on the field and they do really stupid things. So the next video is the 11 worst tackles in the world of football and by the end of it all you will either be saying that, all these players deserved a lifetime ban from the game or Suarez actually wasn’t that bad compared to the rest.    

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