Why can you not celebrate against your old club?

This new fashion among players has really got my back up, i had a think about why players seem to be all about respect and admiration when other aspects of their footballing lives show they’re not too fussed about being upstanding people in society…grumble, grumble, grumble 

I know this is by in large, NOT the worst thing in football, maybe petulance on my part but ith Crouch not celebrating last week against QPR when he scored, it really, really frustrated me. I understand the whole “respect” your old club nonsense that players will spew to justify why they wouldn’t celebrate if they score against their former employers but I can’t get my head round why real journeymen footballers don’t do it, if you’re not there for long, the fans of your previous team are not hardly going to riot In the street if their old striker from donkeys ago has a little bit of a celebration with his current team members.
Some cases I will allow, like  Henrik Larsson scoring against Celtic or Thierry Henry against Arsenal but when Sturridge mutes his celebration against Chelsea like he did last week, a club he had no real affiliation too and spoke out against their entire regime about how he was played in the wrong position and not enough and then when he plays for his new team, quietly walks back to centre spot after scoring. It boggles me because he’s got over 100 appearances for 3 of the top 6 teams in the league and he’s 23? He will never be able allowed to celebrate again at this rate. I’m not saying Sturridge should be ripping off your shirt and goading the Chelsea fans, they’ll moan and groan for a bit and then continue their love/hate relationship with their managers! but come on, if any premier league players are reading this, ENJOY IT!