Luis Suarez told off by his wife for his bad behaviour (video)

Liverpool bad-boy Luis Suarez has revealed that he gets an earful from his other half when he does not behave on the pitch.

Suarez, who has recently been banned for 10 games after chowing down on the arm of Branislav Ivanovic last month, has grown to be a hate figure to many fans around the world for his cheating antics.

According to the wee Uruguayan, nobody gives him a telling off like his wife when he is caught up in the trouble. He told Liverpool’s official magaizine: “My wife has made observations like, ‘You were arguing with the referee and the defenders too much; you didn’t really seem up for it; you might as well have not been on the pitch’. I go away, think about it and realise she was right.

“She said people must go away and think that is what I am like off the pitch, even though I’m usually relaxed and easy-going.”

This isn’t the first time that his missus has been forthcoming about what she thinks about the way her man conducts himself. She had previously given advice in an interview with The Sunday Times – published on the day of his encounter with Chelsea defender Ivanovic.

Suarez said: “She’s my biggest critic, she always comes to watch me.

“She asks what I’m doing, why am I arguing with the referee. ‘All you’ve done today is turn up to shout at people, why don’t you concentrate on playing football?

“If I don’t, they [Sofia and his daughter, Delfina] won’t come and watch me anymore. These are things my wife has picked up on and so has everyone else, so it has made me think.”