Koscielny wanted by Europe’s best?

If you are possibly the best club in the world you would surely be setting your sights higher than Laurent Koscielny if you wanted a new central defender, however The Metro are reporting that the Arsenal man is a target for the German Champions Bayern Munich. What is even further baffling by this story is that it is being indicated that Arsenal will rebuff the reported bid of around £19 million.

Now Koscielny has unquestionably been the Gunners best defender in recent times and his form is a key factor behind their what is looking likely run to the Champions League, however it is more than questionable to say that he is now a player who should be given a hefty price tag of 20 million plus. To be fair to Arsenal following years of endless defensive nightmares and failed centre backs you can more than understand their reluctance to want to sell when for now at least things seem to have clicked, however the money being talked about could be used to finance another couple of decent centre backs.

As for Bayern it is surprising to learn that they have targets outside of Dortmund, particularly in regards to defenders when their great rivals posses two excellent ones in Neven Subotic and Mats Hummels. Given their penchant of raiding from Borussia it would seem surprising that they are not looking at either of these two, when a whole host of other European clubs are likely to be.

That said it shouldn’t even matter who lines up centre back for Bayern given that the wonderful and rock like duo of Javi Martinez and Bastan Schweinsteiger sitting infront means that there is only a minimal chance of anyone actually reaching the centre back pairing so with that in mind even a pairing of Titus Bramble and a dust bin would like mildly solid representing Bayern.

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