The transfer chaos looms

A summer without football is now upon us following last weekend’s final matches. Crystal Palace and Watford completed the fixtures in what was really an unexpectedly dull match.

Now begins the chaos.

The summer transfer window used to be something I very much looked forward to, it used to be something that eased the pain of an eventless Saturday, it was my painkiller if you will.

But now in recent years, the whole window has become a summer riddled with lies. Teams like Manchester City and Chelsea especially are linked with every ‘hot prospect’ out there, with no sign of any real evidence to back any of these stories up.

It’s the same already this year, just now a few days after the final game of the season, the rumours are flying around the papers this morning.

Twitter (I believe is the worst) is full of people “In the know” who are friends of a friend who is a groundsman’s friend that works at a Premier League club whose friend saw X talking to Y in a McDonalds near the ground – It kills me.

Here are some of the rumours (which probably won’t happen) that have been flung and scrambled together today:

  • David Villa (Barcelona) in a switch to Champions League-less Tottenham Hotspur
  • Isco (Malaga) is set to swap sunny Spain for grotty Manchester (City)
  • Pepe Reina (Liverpool) will replace the departing Valdes at Barcelona
  • Ashley Williams (Swansea) to Arsenal – This may actually happen
  • Thiago Alacantara (Barcelona) to Moyes’ red army (Manchester United)

These are just a few of the stories I’ve read today and frankly if we’ve got over 80 days of this, I don’t know how I’ll cope.

But to finish, here’s my favourite:


Tayler Willson