A flaw in Neymar’s game (Video)

Barcelona’s signing of Brazilian starlet Neymar is certainly a statement of intent from the Catalan giants.

The club definitely do not want a repeat of this season’s Champions League semi-final where they were thoroughly humbled by Bayern Munich. 7-0 over the two legs is embarrassing and recruiting Neymar to help out Lionel Messi is a step in the right direction.

And what a player they have bagged themselves, too, as everybody from Chelsea to Juventus were very interested in attaining the player’s signature. Barcelona beat them all to it, though, and it will be hard to bet against Barcelona not repeating their success in La Liga next season with Neymar in the ranks. 

If there is some hope for other teams in Spain then it is that the young Brazilian has one glaring flaw in his game; he cannot take penalties.

Don’t believe me? Watch this hilarious clip of completely ballsing an opportunity to score from twelve yards out. There are some reports claiming that the ball is still rising.

Whomever takes the reins of Barcelona next season must make sure that Neymar is not he designated penalty taker. It’s fine, however, because they still have Messi to make sure that that particular job is taken care of.

Apart from that I am very much looking forward to seeing the silly haired chap play on this continent.