Romanian goalkeeper copies Suarez and bites opponent (Video)

What is it that makes us do silly things from time to time?

What is the reaction that takes place in our brain to make us act like total prats sometimes? Let’s face it, we all have had those moments when rationality and sense leave us and we embark on a journey of silliness.

It can happen more regularly to certain people than to others. Take Liverpool striker Luis Suarez, for example, who, quite a lot of time, loses his sanity and display idiotic tendencies.

His last face in hands moment was his gnawing of Chelsea’s Branislav Ivanovic which is looking like it is the straw that broke the camel’s back in terms of him staying with the club.

But Suarez shouldn’t feel like he is alone in his silliness, we all have our moments, but this clip of Romanian goalkeeper doing his best impression of the Liverpool striker worringly shows that a trend might have been started.

Biting another human being is quite feral and there really is no place for it whatsoever but this clearly doesn’t apply to footballers.

If Suarez’s feast doesn’t turn out to be his final act for a club that have shown him unwavering support than what a way to go; reaching the pinnacle of his stupidness.