My dream five-a-side team

Now this won’t be a massive analytical piece of work, just my opinion of what players would work in a team of five players who would meet up at a rec centre and wear a pub’s kit supplied by the landlord.

In between the sticks I would have “El Loco” himself, Rene Higuita. Not only would he be good at saving weak shots from balding middle aged fat men, but he could come off his line and take a few of them of them on. He was even doing that during his professional career and any pro ‘keeper who has scored over forty goals in his club career deserves a rightful place on my pub league team.

Now I could do with a powerhouse defender who can hold the fort down when my team are playing free flowing football, but also posses the ability to step into a more advanced role and play some cultured balls into my more flair focused outlets. So I would recruit Rio Ferdinand into my team. Not only he is an absolute rock defensively, in his layer years he has developed a wonderful passing range and would more than likely be the deep lying playmaker in my team.

I would then operate a floating two advanced playmakers that would need to shuttle back and forth helping to defend and support my lone striker. Now, my old romantic soul wants a George Best and Paul Gascoigne combination in my “midfield”, with those two being favourites of mine from footballing past and Gascoigne has always been in my heart. So for me, he shall be on the right of the attacking three.

England rarely produce a player like Gazza who could do every aspect of midfield play to a work class calibre, so he will be pivotal in my team, even though my front man won’t need that much support – but every little helps. The other flank only really has one man for the job, a man named Ronaldo de Assis Moreira, or Ronaldinho to you and I. Not only has this man played so well in an El Clasico match he was given a standing ovation by Madrid fans, he is probably the more tricky player to ever grace the great game. There is a brilliant clip which I’m sure everyone has seen where he does step-overs for a good six seconds and the defender just stands and watches before attempting a tackle and eventually gets skinned by Ronny, who is also a wizard at Futsal.

I shall leave the last line for my striker, the original Ronaldo. With a total of over 350 goals for both club and country, he is the probably the greatest striker I have witnessed in my life and seeing clips of him on YouTube is fascinating. He had every aspect of front play, pace, power, technique, precision and could put the ball in the back of the net from any sort of range and angle…Who fancies a match then, fellas?