A plea for Arsenal to move in this transfer window

With a host of supposed deals that looked “certain” to happen, it seems all of them could have already potentially fallen through. Does that mean another season of scraping through for the red faction of north London?

In my knowledge, as an example, Arsenal were on the verge of signing Julio Cesar, but reports suggest he is on the verge of agreeing a one year loan deal from QPR to Napoli, although, it seems to died off as of late. I don’t know if I’ve missed confirmation or it’s just the lull where personal terms are agreed before signing, or maybe it’s not happening anymore? I don’t know, the transfer window is a very difficult time for an Arsenal fan as myself. We go into every window being promised new arrivals so we can compete and by about halfway through Arsene Wenger will be hung out to dry when he inevitably says “There’s no one of the quality we’re after available at this time” and then ends up signing Chu Young Park. If that’s the quality he was waiting for I’d hate to see what he’d sign if he rushed to get a name in.

I can’t help but worry sometimes. But then I think to myself, we’re in this bloody situation every year where we’re slated by every press outlet and journo (mainly Stewart Robson) and how we’re not going to qualify for Europa, let alone Champions League and we will implode by October. But in the end, we turn out alright, I suppose. Give me the days of Gilberto Silva, Patrick Vieira and Co. any day of the week, but it’s not that bad, it could be worse – we could be Liverpool.

I’d just like Arsene to have a heavy night on the sauce, turn up in the morning still half-cut and think “Yeah, I’m gonna put a bid in for a big player anyway and deal with the consequences when and if they arise” but I think the great man is far too sensible. The revenue we have generated in recent years is phenomenal and a marvellous example to other teams that operate at a loss or their player salaries alone are more than 100% of their weekly turnover. I’m looking at you Queens Park Rangers.

It’s a sad indictment because the nice guys finish last. I was so excited when a supposed Middle-Eastern consortium was apparently going to become our majority shareholder because if you can’t beat the likes of Manchester City and Chelsea, why not join them? I don’t know what happened about the whole takeover thing, just a PR generated story, probably. I know I sound like any other moronic Arsenal fan that you see on Twitter or something, but PLEASE buy someone, Arsene. Play the Tony Adams statute outside the Emirates at centre-half if Koscielny gets injured, just anything.



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