Remembering the best – Zinedine Zidane (Video)

To continue my trend for today of remembering particular greats of the game, I will now turn my attention to Zinedine Zidane because I clearly didn’t use enough adjectives in my Dennis Bergkamp piece. Regardless, I have chosen Zidane as my midfielder to reminisce in because he’s an utter joy to watch. He was one of the reasons why I wanted to become a midfielder, he was my idol growing up and I think anyone looking for inspiration to pick up a football and go kick it around then he is a player that can do that. This video demonstrates exactly why.

He was the master of close control, someone who literally could just do whatever he wants with the ball and you trust him to accomplish the skill. Whether it be juggling the ball around the opposition or cute flicks or even his trademark skill that was often deployed to devastating effect. You trusted him to make you simply gasp in shock at what he could do with the ball.

His ability to manipulate any situation using close control was simply adored by fans all over the world. He could eye up a pass that no one could even contemplate executing but he did and with unbelievable accuracy included. Even when France played England I was secretly willing on Zidane to do something amazing and he always produced the goods.

He’s a player that people can gain inspiration from like I did but I’m not forcing anyone to use him as a role model because I know for some people they don’t look at him that way.



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