Premier League preview – Will this be the year Arsenal end their silverware drought?

Despite eight seasons without a trophy, the Gunners have kept Arsene Wenger in charge of the club. But you get the feeling that Arsenal fans are sick and tired of Wenger hailing Champions League qualification as a success. It seems as if the only way Wenger will ever bring a trophy to Arsenal is if he puts his hand in his pocket and makes a marquee signing.

His only acquisition ahead of the new season as of yet has been Yaya Sanogo, a young French striker, signed from Auxerre.

To his credit, Arsene Wenger has offloaded players like Andrey Arshavin, Sebastien Squillaci, Denilson and Andre Santos. It was rumoured that Wenger had a huge transfer kitty to play with, but it seems as if the Frenchman is going to do what he has done for the past few seasons and not spend a penny of it. This is a surprise considering the transitions that their rivals Chelsea, Manchester City and Manchester United are currently going through and presents the perfect opportunity for Arsenal.

Some players with mental toughness are needed as this is something the Gunners lack, on and off the pitch. A solid defensive midfielder to partner Mikel Arteta would be most welcome as well as a proven striker. It will only take one or two big money players for Arsenal to be challenging for silverware again, but if that success is not delivered this season, the fans may become agitated and call for Wenger’s head.

Prediction: 4th

Thomas Baxter

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