How Should Liverpool Be Treating Luis Suarez?

When the news filtered in regarding Luis Suarez’s public appeal to Liverpool to let him go, it sparked mixed reactions to what Brendan Rodgers should do with the controversial forward. Well, the Irishman has now distanced the striker from the first team squad by forcing him to train alone. Round of applause for Rodgers.

How often do we see a prima donna football player kicking up a stink about wanting more money, only for the club to give in and throw and couple of hundred grand extra into their banks? Contracts and loyalty in football is now a thing of the past, and the players – and agents – are fully aware that the ball is in their court.

Christian Benteke, Gareth Bale and Suarez all had a blistering season last year, but as the goals shot up their value, their agents’ pupils grew wider. All three have been linked away from their respective clubs for higher foundations, but whereas Benteke has signed a new deal, Bale and Suarez look unlikely to accept their status as Champions League non-parts.

Suarez’s claims that the Reds broke promises that they made to him have been sneered at by Rodgers, and he also isn’t happy about the lack of respect that the 26-year-old is showing.

 He told the BBC: There were no promises made – categorically none – and no promises broken. The club and his representatives had several conversations and he knew exactly where he was at.

“There has been total disrespect of the club – a club that has given him everything. Obviously the remarks I’ve read are bitterly disappointing – but my job is bigger than that.”

Again, a round of applause for Rodgers. Perhaps others will take note of how to keep a player in line and deter them from throwing their toys out of the pram.