Luis Suarez saga now approaching record levels of tediousness

What has happened to us, I ask you? Since when did we become so monopolised by our smart phones, our tablets (not the ones you take when you have a headache), and our high definition this and that? When was it that we started to rely on what a website named bloody twitter had to say on football transfers?

It is a sorry state of affairs and I believe that the ease with which we are able to constantly access news from anywhere in the world has contributed greatly to the Luis Suarez summer epic turning into one of the most protracted, annoying and downright tedious stories in recent memory, if not ever.

I am an Arsenal fan, and yes I am dismayed at the lack of signings (so far). Furthermore, this whole Suarez thing has got me pulling my hair out because I am constantly surrounded by new stories everyday with one source saying he is one his way whilst the other says there is no chance Liverpool will sell.

Initially, I was, understandably, a little sceptical at our interest in the Uruguayan. This is, after all, a man who attracts controversy. Talented? No question. Lacking morals and a little crazy? Absolutely. As time went on I began to see where Arsene Wenger and his chum Ivan Gazidis were coming from; like Doctor Faustus, sell your soul to the devil for something you greatly need: trophies.

The equation was simple. Suarez scores lots of goals and, ultimately, goals win games. I suppose they were willing to try their luck and hope he didn’t do something completely stupid throughout the course of the season.

But now it has just become a complete and utter farce, Arsenal and transfers eh, as Suarez went to the papers and now Liverpool are digging their heels in saying that absolutely will not sell. The clause in the contract has been misunderstood by everybody including Suarez which is ironic because it is the same contract he signed last year.

Arsenal are now in real danger of missing out on that big summer signing they said they were going to make three months ago. 

All I ask for, though, is that someone, anyone, please puts an end to this ridiculous transfer saga because, quite frankly, it is doing my head in more than John Terry does. And that is a lot.