A New Football Season Offers Renewed Hope And Optimism For Arsenal

The excitement is building, guides for 2013-2014 season have been printed and shipped out, Sky Sports is about to go in to overdrive and that can only mean one thing; yes my friends, the new football season is here.

Rejoice! Jubilations! Congratulations on making it through the past three months of desolate wasteland that has been the off-season.

You, yes you dedicated football fan, deserve a medal for persevering in what has been a maelstrom of endless Twitter rumours, silly tabloid headlines, 24 hour coverage from Sky Sports telling you a certain someone is going somewhere. To be honest with you, it has been totally ridiculous and I am thankful that we have reached this point.

Being an Arsenal fan, you may think I am dreading the beginning of a new season because of all that business (or lack thereof) of not signing anybody and having a squad thinner than a sheet of paper. Other fans have expressed worry and doubt, but I welcome this new season and remain incredibly optimistic.

That is what being a football supporter is all about; sticking with your team through thick and thin. Regardless of who they don’t or do buy it is imperative that you support whatever eleven players are out there on the field knocking the ball about. 

So, this is why I implore you to embrace the new football season fully regardless of what state your team is in because the new season brings renewed optimism and hope. It is time to put your doubts to one side and get back into the football mindset has we head into what could possibly be the wildest, most exciting season of the Premier League yet.

As is tradition with the start of every new football season, I would like to weigh in with what I think the top four will look like come May next year. Feel free to disagree.

1st: Manchester City

2nd: Chelsea

3rd: Manchester United

4th: Arsenal (only just, naturally)