My Goal Of The Week (Video)

Time for goal of the week now and it comes from a Champions League qualifier between Real Sociedad and Lyon.

Sociedad won the game 2-0 and the two goals were absolutely outstanding but I have chosen the opening goal, scored by Antoine Griezmann, as my goal of the week. Please feel free to disagree with me if you favour the second goal, which is an absolute blinder, but Griezmann’s spectacular bicycle kick has my vote.

We all love a good bicycle kick, don’t we? Even when a player attempts a bicycle kick and it does not come off there is still much comedic value to be had as we watch a professional player completely miss the ball and land right on their arse. Excellent stuff.

But when a player does make the right connection, as Griezmann did, then there are few better sights in football. As you’ll see with Griezmann’s goal, there is fabulous technique, expert timing and the excellent improvisation all in one swift move. The result? A goal of the season contender in the first week of the new season.

God knows how Antoine Griezmann felt after pulling that off, pretty bloody good I imagine, and the somewhat unfortunate truth that he has to deal with now is that will never score a better goal than that for the rest of the time he plays football. 

But it is a brilliant display of tekkers so, without further ado, I congratulate you Mr Griezmann on your winning entry for goal of the week. 

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