A Closer Look At Tom Cleverley – Manchester United’s Marmite Man

Football is a game of opinions, even if some people’s opinions are hard to take. One man who has sparked debate up and down the country is Manchester United midfielder Tom Cleverley. While some see him as a potential England captain over the next few years, others argue that he offers next to nothing and is only in the United side because they are short of options. But is the 24-year-old under or overrated?

A huge asset of Cleverley’s is his energy. The way he buzzes around the field compliments Michael Carrick’s static play, and his ball retention is impressive also. Cleverley has completed 90% of his passes this season – the joint top in the squad – and completed 14/15 of his tackles.

However, it’s what he does with the ball that people criticise him over. Cleverley, more often than not, looks for the simple pass and releases it to whoever he is next to.

Rather than drive forward with the ball like Fellaini, or spray a long range pass to the wings like Carrick, he opts for the easy options.

He has also only scored twice since the start of last Premier League season, which some deem a poor return.

For me, the jury is out. Do you think Cleverley is cut out for the midfield at Old Trafford?

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