Where Does Santi Cazorla Fit Into The Arsenal Side?

Saturday’s thrashing of Norwich saw the return of Spanish playmaker Santi Cazorla to the Gunners’ line up after an ankle injury after a mass of people questioned whether or not Arsene Wenger would instantly reinstate him into the side. But where does the 28-year-old fit into the side?

Since his arrival from cash-strapped Malaga last year the little midfielder has played in the middle. He played in every Premier League game of Arsenal’s last season and created a whopping 95 chances for his team-mates, as well as scoring 12 goals.

His creativeness stemmed a huge number of openings and he was often deployed just behind the striker, with Mikel Arteta and Jack Wilshere sitting just behind him. It gave him the freedom to roam and link up with the wider players, where he has also played – Cazorla won 86/131 of his take ons last season.

However, with Aaron Ramsey’s hot streak of form he is guaranteed a spot in the side, and Wenger isn’t about to drop his record signing in Mesut Ozil, who is best functioning in the central area. That, combined with the injuries to the Gunners’ wingers, means that Cazorla will probably be finding himself in the wide areas, especially on the left, and drift inside. The nice thing about Arsenal’s attacking options is that they are all interchangeable, so it will be a very loose set up.

 Gooners, where would Cazorla fit into your side?

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