Tweet Tweet: Piers Morgan Calls For Arsenal to Sign Striker With 8 Goals In 6 Games, But Does He Have A Point?

Piers Morgan may not be a very likeable person, but he is entertaining to say the least when taking to his Twitter account. The 48-year-old has almost 4 million followers on the social network site, and although he is often labelled as clueless by most, one of his recent suggestions seems to have gone down well, and that’s the call for Arsenal [his supported club] to sign Liverpool striker Luis Suarez.

The Tweet received 451 ‘retweets’ and 260 ‘favourites’ but does the journalist-turned-presenter have a point?



The beauty of Luis Suarez is that no matter how much flack is thrown at him, he deflects it off and gets on with his natural game. His career has been filled with controversy and yet he is still banging them in – the little South American has scored eight Premier League goals in just six games since he returned from his ban after biting Branislav Ivanovic.

Suarez has proved his worth in the English topflight and the Gunners tried to snap him up in the summer when the Uruguay international asked to leave the club, and for me he is the perfect man to come in and support Olivier Giroud.

While Suarez is a striker, his low centre of gravity and his incredible ball control allow him to play in the wider positions, meaning that Arsene Wenger would have a variety of options. He also has the ability to play as the creative unit behind the centre-forward, which could also push Mesut Ozil wide or replace him when needed.

The main thing that it would offer is goals, but the flexibility that would come with it would be remarkable, in my opinion, and for once Piers Morgan may finally have suggested something that I agree with.


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