Where Will Walcott Fit Into The Arsenal Mix When He Returns From Injury?

When Theo Walcott demanded to be played as a striker last season rather than a winger, few people took him seriously in his claims. However, the former Southampton player soon quietened the doubters when he struck 21 goals in his 43 appearances last time out. People were starting to take the England forward seriously, and then it all got pulled from beneath his feet.

This season Walcott has played just four Premier League games because of an injury, and although Arsenal haven’t exactly missed him as they sit on top of the table in both England and the Champions League, he is still a key player. So where will he fit in when he returns to action?

Walcott is seen primarily as a right winger, but with Aaron Ramsey being pushed out to the right when Mathieu Flamini and Mikel Arteta are in the side, or even Jack Wilshere, Walcott may get another chance up top.

The Gunners are looking for another striker to support Olivier Giroud, who has looked tired in his last few outings, so introducing Walcott back into the mix as a centre-forward may work.

For me he will be reinstated back on the flank, with Flamini and Ramsey in the central positions, Cazorla on the left and Ozil in the right, but pushed up top when needed.

Gooners, where do you think Walcott will slot back in when he returns?

Where Will Walcott Fit In On His Return?
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