3 Things We Have Learned So Far In The Premier League This Season

We are fast approaching December and the busy Premier League schedule looms on the horizon following this international break.

With a quarter of the Premier League season completed, let’s take this chance to find out what it is we have learned from watching football for the last couple of months, if indeed we have discovered anything at all.

Ignore that last part, because if that was the case than I would have absolutely nothing to write about in this blog, rendering these opening paragraphs completely pointless.

Anyway, without further ado, here are the three things we have learned so far in this Premier League season:

1) The title race is wide open

There are those who claim that the title race will come down to Manchester City and Chelsea, but I’m not sure as both teams look a little shaky. Couple this with Manchester United’s shifting process and we are left with a very enticing tussle for the Premier League crown this year.

Arsenal’s squad may be looking a bit thin but they still possess much quality and it would be unwise to dismiss Liverpool as merely pretenders. It usually comes down to the teams that have the biggest and best squads and that currently is Chelsea and City, but with the January transfer window that could all change.

2) Jose Mourinho hasn’t changed

Upon his return to these shores Jose Mourinho declared himself ‘The Happy One’, his experiences elsewhere in Europe having apparently quelled the explosive personality that made him such a divisive figure during his first tenure in London.

That would appear to be incorrect, however, as Mourinho is attracting just as much controversy this time around. Sent to the stands a couple of times? Check. Complaining when teams waste time against you depite it being tactics you, and every other team for that matter, employ on a regular basis? Check. Winning a dodgy penalty in the last minute to maintain 66 game unbeaten streak at Stamford Bridge in the league and afterwards claiming it was clear cut? Absolutely.

Ah, you haven’t changed one bit: ‘The Incredibly Arrogant Yet Very Astute One’ more like.

3) Aaron Ramsey is coming of age

How about that Aaron Ramsey eh? Who saw this amazing run of form coming? There were signs towards the end of last season that the Welshman was really beginning to find his groove but no-one anticipated the fantastic goalscoring run and all the confidence that brings.

Simply put, Ramsey has been the Premier League player of the season so far, helping Arsenal to the top of the league. Not bad for a player that most of the club’s fan base were happy to dismiss completely at this point last year.