De Gea Vows To Get Better – A Tribute To The Manchester United Goalkeeper

David De Gea has been rained on with criticism since he arrived at Manchester United but the young shot-stopper has taken it on the chin and established himself as one of the most impressive goalkeepers in the entire Premier League. Now, still only 23, the Spaniard has vowed to continue his impressive progress and give the United fans more to reasons to sing his name from the Old Trafford stands.

The former Atletico Madrid keeper deserves a lot of credit, in my books. Not only has he ploughed through the stick he has received but his performances have really impressed me. He may have only kept three clean sheets in his 11 appearances this term, but he has averaged 2.36 saves per game.

He has made 27 saves so far this season, the seventh most in the league, and considering the shoddy, ever-changing backline that he has in front of him he’s done a great job.

His organisational skills have impressed vastly and he is finally taking command of his areas. Whereas he used to flap at anything that entered his area he now steadies himself, sorts his feet and ensures his pathway to the ball is clear.

Although he once looked like he’d never make it at Old Trafford, he has silenced many doubters and I for one am glad for him.