A Closer Look At Jozy Altidore – Sunderland’s Bullish Forward

This week I’m going to profile Sunderland forward Jozy Altidore,who scored a cracking goal against Chelsea last night in a crucial Premier League match. Unfortunately for Sunderland, they lost the game and are sitting in last place in the table, but they put up a good fight against Jose Mourinho’s men.

I’ve chosen to take a closer look at Suderland’s American striker only a few days after he was named the Male American Player of the Year in the USA. Altidore has been a pretty regular fixture in the side, starting a majority of the matches, while being subbed in for the other ones.

Though Altidore has only two goal to his name so far this season, he scored last night against Chelsea for the first time, just the fact that he is playing in the Premier League shows what a talent he is. It’s a struggle for Americans to make an impact in any European side and for Altidore to be playing regularly for a Premier League team is a huge step forward in his career.

Sunderland may be in last place right now, but they’re still in the Premier League! Altidore is able to play against greats like Wayne Rooney, Frank Lampard, and Sergio Aguero in this league, something many Americans will never get the chance to do.

Altidore has struggled throughout the years to find a permanent spot on the US National Team as well, however in the past few months he has really let his talents shine, and after a spectacular World Cup Qualifying campaign he was rightfully awarded Player of the Year.

I really think it’s the European experience that he is receiving that makes him a better player for his country. Hopefully Sunderland don’t get relegated this season and we can all continue to watch Altidore grow into a wonderful football player. 

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