FIVE Tottenham Players Who Deserve To Be Dropped After 5-0 Drubbing Against Liverpool

Pressure has been poured all over Tottenham manager Andre-Villas Boas since yesterday afternoon as he saw his Spurs side get battered 5-0 at home to Liverpool. After a dismal showing, here are five players who I think deserve to lose their spot ahead of their next outing, though probably not all of them at the same time.

1) Hugo Lloris

The keeper didn’t cover himself in glory during the tie but in my opinion the loss was due to the fact Andre Villas-Boas played a high line He just doesn’t have the players for it, but when Lloris turns in a slack display like he did then it doesn’t help matters. It may be time for Brad Friedel to come back in.

2) Kyle Naughton

Possibly the worst culprit over the last few games as his performances have gradually got worse. He was beaten continuously through the game and was caught napping on a few occasions so it was no surprise when he was take off at half time.

3) Michael Dawson

He’s slow, indecisive and is about as mobile as an ice cream truck, but still he continues to lead the defence. The back four needs a reshuffle and in my opinion Dawson needs to be left out.

4) Kyle Walker

The right-back was ripped apart by the fluid Liverpool attack and the confidence looks drained out of him. It’s a risky game to keep starting him, although AVB doesn’t really have a choice right now.

5) Aaron Lennon

The little winger won’t be wanting to watch the highlights back as almost everything he tried failed miserably. 

Spurs fans, what do you think?