Why Alvaro Negredo Is So Important To Manchester City

There is no doubt in my mind that Manchester City will break the record for most goals scored in a Premier League season this year. They are simply unstoppable going forward and the attacking options they posses mean that any team in the league will struggle to hold them to less than three goals. Of course, they have been prolific in seasons gone by but never have they been quite so overpowering. 

One of the main reasons? The striker partnership that Alvaro Negredo and Segio Aguero have formed. Little and large, powerful and nimble and skilful combined with power; defending teams don’t know where to start when it comes to defending the two. 

I didn’t know much about Negredo’s exploits in Spain before he signed for City but he has quickly become one of the Premier League’s outstanding performers. Many foreign players struggle to initially adapt to Premier League’s high intensity but Negredo hasn’t experienced any of these problems. 

It is a credit to the player and his impressive physique that has allowed him to bully centre backs and impose himself on games quickly. Was he City’s best summer signing? He is facing stiff competition from Jesus Navas for that accolade but if you were to ask City fans they would choose the chap they have named ‘The Beast’.

With Aguero now out of action for a month, Negredo will be relied on even more but thanks to City’s fantastic striking options (Jovetic and Dzeko anybody?) the burden will not be to heavy. Anyway, here is some Negredo’s best bits from his first couple of months.