Scared And Rigid: Why I Am Fed Up Of David Moyes’ Manchester United

Being a Manchester United fan has been frustrating this season. From the 23 years that I have been on this planet, I have been traveling the country following my club for about 10 of those, and have generally enjoyed a successful time. Now, fans of clubs lower down the football pyramid may be responding in an apathetic fashion, but by successful I am talking about following United into other peoples’ back yards and really going at them, win or lose.

This season has been a different one for obvious reasons. I accept that David Moyes’ time at the club is going to take time to kick into action, but there are a couple of gripes that I feel I need to get off my chest regarding the new man in charge.

The first is the way he has dampened the mentality at the club. Or at least seems to have. Under Sir Alex Ferguson United were a dominating force with a never say die attitude, but now it’s as if Moyes is scared of rallying his players and going for the win from the off.

The players aren’t showing the same passion or hunger to take games by the neck and I for one have had enough of that. Perhaps the arrival of Juan Mata will change that.

The second thing is the way he analyses the team’s performances. Now, I’m not expecting him to come out and slam the team after every shoddy performance, but the way he expresses his pleasure with the overall performances grates on me.

Even if he looks a little deeper and tells us where it went wrong or at least how he though it could be solved would be refreshing.

My major gripe though is his apparently reluctance to change things when it’s not going our way. Setting up in a 4-2-2-2 type formation, he rarely switches it around even if we are desperate for a goal, need more width or are even holding on, and it is frustrating to see.

I may be looking into things too much and I’m sure I wouldn’t be saying this if we had beaten Stoke at the weekend, but we didn’t.

That’s why I am fed up with David Moyes but I shall keep supporting the team until my very end.

Steve Sharlene