£40m Januzaj: Why Manchester United Must Keep Hold Of Winger Despite PSG Interest

According to reports from the Daily Mail, Paris Saint-Germain are preparing a summer bid of up to £40 million for Manchester United teen sensation Adnan Januzaj as Laurent Blanc continues putting together his megastar Ligue 1 side. The news is worrying for United fans, I would have thought, but I think if David Moyes is serious about rebuilding a side with his brand on it then he has to keep hold of the winger.

This season the Belgian-born attacker has burst onto our screens and it’s been impossible to keep your eyes off him. The bid may be for a staggering amount of money, but he could prove to be worth so much more to the Red Devils in the future should he continue his progression.

The freshly-turned 19-year-old has made 17 league appearances this season and has scored three goals, two of which came in a tie against Sunderland earlier in the season. He has also claimed two assists, though his willingness to attack full-backs has caused a lot more problems than can registered.

He averages over two shots per game in the topflight and looks to be improving in terms of his delivery, and if United lose that then they are left with a bunch of very average wingers in my eyes. If I was David Moyes, or even if it was a game of Football Manager, I would be looking to offload Ashley Young, Nani and Antonio Valencia and building my midfield around young, energetic players like Januzaj and Zaha.

That’s my two pence worth, what do you reckon United fans?