Wenger Has No Regrets About Suarez, Or Could It Be Mind Games?

It may be a case of sour grapes, or even mind games ahead of the clash between the two clubs at the weekend,  but Arsene Wenger has no regrets about not landing Luis Suarez according to the Guardian. Now, call me a sceptic, but I bet he’s reeling inside. How could he not be? The Uruguayan has been in remarkable form this season and  I doubt there is a manager on the planet who wouldn’t welcome him into their side.

The 27-year-old has scored 23 Premier League goals this season in his 19 outings, while Arsenal’s top scorer, Olivier Giroud, has managed 10 in 22.

That’s not to put the Frenchman down for his performances, I am merely pointing out just how impressive Suarez is. Although you would surely have know that, right?

Imagine how much distance Arsenal would have had should Suarez have signed in the summer, playing with Santi Cazorla, Mesut Ozil and the aforementioned Giroud. He would have slotted in brilliantly alongside those players and for me Arsenal would already have one hand on the trophy.

Another thing the failure results in is Wenger’s need for another striker. In my opinion the club are in desperate need of another top class forward to support Giroud, and they are likely to have to splash a bit more cash, too.

Come on Arsene, we know you regret it really.