Why Arsenal Should Steer Clear Of Robin Van Persie

When Sir Alex Ferguson snapped up Robin van Persie form Arsenal he was an instant success. In his first season, the Dutchman finished as the Premier League top scorer with 26 league goals and another four in the cups and in my eyes was the main reason for Fergie signing out with one last title under his belt.

This season though he has returned to his injured way, and with Arsenal being linked with a move for their former hit-man, I would have to say that I think the Gunners should steer clear and look elsewhere for back up to Olivier Giroud.

I’ll tell you why.

The main reason is his injury history – To my knowledge, since being in the Premier League van Persie has had two seasons injury-free from the 10 that he has played. He has suffered from hamstring problems, groin strains, knee twists, muscle tears and whatever else, and I think the Gunners could do without that.

Secondly I think it would take the impetus away from the likes of Mesut Ozil, Santi Cazorla and such, and for me that could be suicidal.

That’s not to mention the fans don’t think much of him anymore, either.

If I was Arsene Wenger I would be going for a young striker like Romelu Lukaku or one who is in his prime like Mario Mandzukic.

Gooners, what do you think?

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