Chelsea Linked With Former Tottenham Star In Swap Deal – 3 Reasons Why The Move Would Suit All Parties

According to reports in the Express, Chelsea are open to swapping Brazilian midfielder Oscar for Real Madrid’s Luka Modric. For me, this would be a deal that suits all parties, and I have put three reasons below to explain why.

1) Oscar gets more attacking role

Oscar is a player who is brilliant at getting forward and creating chances for his team-mates, but he is worked hard defensively in west London and in my eyes his game is restricted because of it. Should he get a move to La Liga then I am sure he will be let off his lead.

The Spanish top tier is a lot slower in terms of tempo and with Madrid being one the strongest sides in the division, he would be allowed to roam wherever he pleases.

2) Chelsea get one of La Liga’s best midfielders

Despite Modric being voted one of the worst players in the league last season he has now made a name for himself as one of the best. His team-mates are set up around him and he is flourishing – the Croatian has played 30 league games and has a pass completion of 90%.

3) Modric gets chance to pick up where he left off

He set the Premier League alight whilst at Tottenham but he left on a sour note. For me, a move back to England would allow him to once again showcase his ability in the world’s best league and redeem some of the respect he lost when he previously left. 

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