Unsung Hero: Jordan Henderson Suspension Threatens To Scupper Liverpool Title Chances

Liverpool‘s improvement over the course of the current Premier League campaign has seen them find themselves leading the race for the title with just 4 games to go. Sunday’s 3-2 win over Manchester City was a prime example of how far the Reds have come under Brendan Rodgers’ leadership, with the passion, belief and hunger of every single player in a red shirt showing why, in my opinion, they deserve to be crowned Premier League Champions.

Liverpool’s success this season is down to a number factors. The devastating strike partnership of Luis Suarez and Dainel Sturridge have gone on to break countless
 club and league records and are currently two fo the leading scorers in Europe. Steven

Gerrard’s transformation into a holding midfield role has seen him control game after game and boss the central areas against some of the toughest opponents in the league.

The development of young players has been key to the energy, pace, and determination of Liverpool‘s play and the likes of Raheem Sterling, Jon Flanagan, and Jordan Henderson in particular have come on in leaps and bounds this season.

The latter, however received a straight red card and therefore a 3-game suspension in Sunday’s win at Anfield, and the 23-year old’s energetic, pressing play will undoubtedly be missed over the next few weeks. Liverpool have coped without the likes of big names such as Gerrard, Suarez and Sturridge for short periods this season but Henderson’s unique role in Liverpool’s gameplay will be difficult for others in the squad to emulate.

Although he may not catch the eye of most, it’s the nitty gritty work that usually goes unnoticed which is Henderson’s speciality. His immense pressure, pace, and energy in Liverpool‘s midfield has kept the likes of £47m Mesut Özil quiet and 9 times out of 10, the ex-Sunderland man will be the first player an opponent sees when in possession of the ball. Add his countless interceptions and quick closing down to his 4 goals, 7 assists and 60 key passes and Henderson is up there with the league’s best midfielders in terms of performances and consistency. 

Liverpool may need a slight shift in formation to cope in Henderson’s absence, as key away trips to relegation battlers Norwich and Crystal Palace with a crucial top of the table clash with Chelsea at Anfield sandwiched in between come next for Liverpool. With Sturridge looking likely to be out through injury, Liverpool may benefit from shifting Sterling up front alongside Suarez, and bringing in both Lucas and Allen in their successful midfield diamond formation.

Midfield will be the key to success in each of the next three games and if the likes of Lucas and Allen can step up and replace Henderson, Liverpool could well be Champions of England for the 19th time.

Liverpool fans, how would you line up in the absence of Henderson?