Moyes Speaks Out: FIVE Things We Learned From Former Manchester United Boss’ Statement

David Moyes was given the boot from Manchester United yesterday after a dismal 10 month tenure. The former Red Devils boss has finally spoken about his time at Old Trafford, so here are five things we learned from his statement, and the five quotes to back the points up.

1) Moyes remains dignified despite reputation being battered.

After years of having people praise him for his efforts at Everton, Moyes’ name is now one that will be renowned for failure. He spent over a decade at Goodison Park and achieved relative success with a limited budget and had the fans singing his name after every game, and although he has been battered over the last 10 months, his statement shows that he isn’t biting.

“To have been appointed as manager of Manchester United, one of the biggest football clubs in the world, was and remains something of which I will always be incredibly proud.”.

2) He knew it would be hard, but had to take it

Everyone knew that succeeding the most successful manager in world football would be hard, but Moyes may have never got the chance to do so again. He knew the difficulty, as the quote below shows.

“Taking charge after such a long period of continuous stability and success at the club was inevitably going to be a significant challenge, but it was one which I relished and never had a second thought about taking on.”

3) He felt the love from his staff

Often when a manger falls out with a club, there is some blame left with his team, but although some have stayed on at Old Trafford, Moyes has thanked them for their loyalty.

“The scale of the manager’s job at United is immense, but I have never stepped away from hard work and the same applies to my coaching staff. I thank them for their dedication and loyalty throughout the last season.”

4) He will be back

Although it may take a while, you can bet on seeing Moyes back in football management at some stage, despite the stress this season has been him under.

“I have always believed that a manager never stops learning during his career and I know I will take invaluable experience from my time as United’s manager.”

5) No hard feelings towards Fergie

Although Fergie may have had something to do with his dismissal, it seems as there is no hard feelings towards the Scot.

“I remain grateful to Sir Alex Ferguson for believing in my ability and giving me the chance to manage Manchester United.”

Full statement here.

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