Van Gaal Agrees To Be Manchester United Boss: THREE Things He Must Do To Be A Success

According to an exclusive report from the Express, Luis van Gaal has agreed to take over Manchester United once his Netherlands side exit the summer World Cup, and all his responsibilities are wrapped up. This news will be happily received by United fans, but here are three things he must sort out if he is to succeed, in my eyes.

1) Deadwood

There is plenty of it at Manchester United, with no sign of it being dealt with. By deadwood, I refer to the players who are simply lurking on the fringes of the first team who aren’t being used properly, or who aren’t good enough to be there.

I am looking at you, Nani, Tom Cleverley, Ashley Young, Anders Lingaard, Alex Buttner and Javier Hernandez.

2) Continue to blood youngsters

Manchester United have a long history of blooding youngsters into the side. Just look back to 1992 with David Beckham, Paul Scholes, the Neville brothers and, to a less extent, Nicky Butt. Ryan Giggs, too.

Moyes brought in Adnan Janujaz this season and he has excelled on the wing, and I think van Gaal must continue this tradition.

3) Sign a world class midfielder

United have suffered in the centre of midfield all season, despite Marouane Fellaini signing for big money in the summer. For me, United need a Cesc Fabregas type player to come in and glue everything together. 

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