Wenger Is Right – Arsenal Boss Believes Progress Has Been Made

For those of you don’t know what subjectivity and objectivity mean, well here’s a brief description. Subjectivity is an individual’s opinion on something without basing it on external facts, whereas objectivity is something that everyone will agree upon because they all can see the facts. You might be wondering why I’m talking about a couple of random words. Well, the two play a very important role in football. There are so many statistics around that suggest this player is better than that, or point totals that clearly show progression as it’s greater than last seasons.

That’ll be an objective opinion.

A subjective opinion will say that Arsenal have made a progression because they’ve made top four yet again and are in the FA Cup final. Someone may disagree and suggest that’s the level they should have been at last season.

Arsene Wenger has claimed that progression has been made and is there for everyone to see, if they reach the 79 points total that is totally within their grasp, IBTimes have reported.

Here’s my objective opinion.

Arsenal have shown progress since last term as they’ve matched their points total from last season with two games to spare. Pick up one extra point and they’ve beaten their tally. Progress.

They’ve also reached the FA Cup final which they didn’t do last season. That’s easy progress for you. However, unless Arsenal score eight goals in their next two games, then they have scored less and conceded more compared to last campaign which shows a decline.

But the figure that counts the most is the points total.

Now for my subjective opinion. I believe we have progressed because the team seem to have a better understanding and have the grit between their teeth that has been missing when they play teams weaker than themselves.

Unfortunately, when Aaron Ramsey, Mesut Ozil, Theo Walcott and Jack Wilshere were struck down with injury, so did that passion. However, despite the decline, it proves that Wenger has the players and the system to succeed and that is the best progression we could’ve made.


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