Mourinho Could Be Sacked: Former Chelsea Winger Says Blues Will Give Boss The Boot If He Doesn’t Produce – And I Think They Should

Pat Nevin is a man who spent five years on the books of Chelsea back in the eighties, and although he spent most of his career in the Scottish leagues he is still a figure who is respected by fans at Stamford Bridge. He has shared his opinion on the current situation and their trophy-less season, saying that another one could see Jose Mourinho receiving the boot.

Reported on the Sports Review, Nevin supposedly said,” They’ve done quite well under Mourinho. It is only his first season, I agree with José Mourinho that this was the first season and they didn’t have a good enough squad.

However, that won’t happen next season because if he does play a very negative style and attritional football but win nothing, however much he is loved down there, Roman will get rid of him. No doubt about that.”

I agree that he should be shown the door. The amount of money Chelsea fans have spent to follow their club this season is enormous, and for that to be repaid with slow, negative football is an insult in my eyes, as they have nothing to show for it.

Chelsea played better football under Rafa Benitez last season and even won the Europa League, yet the fans wanted his head on a plate for the entire campaign.

Mourinho has accomplished nothing and I fear that his reputation has masked that this season. 
